Travel Workout #74
“What you get in life is what you have the courage to ask for.”
Welcome back to our Travel Workouts blog section. Today we have our 74th workout to share with you and it comes from one of my favorite CF Games Athletes, Marcus Filly.
Marcus’ big thing these days is what’s known as Functional Body Building or FBB, and I’ve been following his program over the last 6+ months and am really starting to enjoy it. He also has some killer travel workouts, for when you’re on the go, and sometimes don’t have access to equipment to a full gym’s equipment. Either way, no excuses and always a reason to get a good sweat on.
Let’s dive into the workout.
Travel Workout #74
WOD Credit: @marcusfilly
EMOM x 20mins
Minute 1: 5 Shrimp Squats/leg
Minute 2: 10-12 Archer Style Push-Ups
Minute 3: 30sec Hollow Rock with Flutter
Minute 4: Pike Deficit Push-Ups
Score: Finish the EMOM
Recap: This workout is a good 20-minute burner. Different types of movements that will get your body feeling good and swole after this. Just make sure you have a timer or a clock on your phone so you know when to switch into the next movement.
Part of the reason why I love Marcus Filly so much is that he is pretty ingenious with revamping the current CrossFit curriculum with new and inventive movements. Pretty awesome approach, and it’s been a nice change of pace with his workouts. Anyways, shoot him a follow here @marcusfilly and find the movement demos down below.
Scale the movements as needed
Movement Tutorials
more travel workouts

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Here’s an awesome partner workout from one of our favorite boxes in Munich, Germany!
EMOM x 20mins
1st. 5 Shrimp Squats/leg
2nd. 10-12 Archer Style Push-Ups
3rd. 30sec Hollow Rock with Flutter
4th. Pike Deficit Push-Ups
Travel Workout #73.
10 Rounds of:
5 Jumping Air Squats
5 Broad Jumps
For time.
Fitness on the go. Here’s a great partner workout you can do anywhere with no equipment.
Hotel Hell - 100 DB thrusters for time, every minute on the minute: do three burpees
EMOM x 20/24/28/32.... (add 4 mins up to a max of 40mins)
1st - Bent Over Row + Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch x 3/arm
2nd - 8 Dumbbell Cross Body RDL/arm
3rd - 8 Half Kneeling Arnold Press/arm
4th - 8 Single Arm DB Rack Reverse Lunge/leg
No local gym to drop into? Use these essential travel movements to get a sweat in on your next trip.
Looking for some tips on integrating Cross Training into your workouts? Read this for the comprehensive guide.
Start your day with a travel workout you can do anywhere, with anything. Walking lunges, plank shoulder taps and burpees. Read more.
Looking for a workout you can do anywhere? Read more in our quick blog so you can find your sweat fix with VoyEdge RX.
Travel WOD 1.18.2019 - 50 sit-ups then tabata air squats, then 50 sit-ups for time.
Travel Workout: For Time - 50 HSPU’s - every time you break = 10 V-ups.
Travel WOD: Five Rounds of: 50 sit ups, 40 air squats, 30 dumbbell power snatches, 20 reverse lunges, 10 burpees
WOD Credit: Aimee Young
For time: 100 dumbbell thrusters w/ ** three burpees every minute on the minute for time.
WOD credit: Aimee Young
5 Rounds of: Run 400 meters, 20 dumbbell hang squat cleans & 15 burpees.
Travel WOD 11.30.2019 - 21-15-9 of Burpees and dumbbell thrusters. Submitted by: Aimee Young.
Travel WOD: 4 rounds:,Run 400m, 30 air squat, 20 double dumbbell ground to overhead. WOD credit: Aimee Young
Travel WOD: With a partner, work to complete: 100 Double Unders, 50 Burpees over your partner (Partner will be in a plank), 100 Double Unders, 50 Push Ups, 100 Double Unders, 50 Squat Jumps Over Partner (Partner will be in a plank), 100 Double Unders, 100 sit ups
Three rounds of: 100 double unders and 50 walking lunges. WOD credit: Aimee Y.
Bodyweight Chief: 5 rounds for time of a 3-minute AMRAP of 3x burpees, 6x pushups, 9x air squats