5 Ways To Stay Fit While You Travel


Guest blog by: John Adams

Staying in shape while traveling seems to be a challenge for some people. Especially, when they find out that their hotel does not offer a gym or fitness center facilities. Even if they provide one, there is no guarantee about the condition of the equipment offered or the expertise level of the trainers. These factors may lead to a personal injury if you don’t understand the instructions properly or any equipment malfunctions. 

The situation may become more complicated when you don’t know the local laws to sue the hotel or fitness center.  This does not mean you should give up your fitness during your stay. The good news is you can keep up with your fitness goals even without a gym

Today, I am going to tell you about a few equipment-free and quick travel workout moves that won’t let you skip your exercise for a single day. 

Start With Warming-Up

Get your heart pumping and muscles moving by warming up with some quick and easy movements. You can consider skipping with an imaginary skipping- rope or the traditional jumping-jacks. You can also step-up on a bench or use stairs. If that too is not available, march in place for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Keep Your Legs Strong by Squats or Lunges:

Photo Credit: Your House Fitness

Keep your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings strong during your stay by simple squats and lunges. You need zero equipment for it. You can easily do it in your room; stand in front of a chair or bench, lower your hip until your hips touch the chair, repeat the movements as much as you can. Similarly, a lunge is also a half-squat. Just step back, keep your torso upright, and swing forward your arm opposite front leg. Keep both knees at 90 degrees, to avoid strain. 

Try Cardio in Your Hotel Room

For cardio exercises, you don’t need to run on the treadmill every time. The best alternatives for your travel workout is Planks with shoulder tabs, jumping lunges, squat with jump or the pushups. For jumping squats and lunges, you need to jump while changing your position-rest of the moves are same. 

For pushups, place your hands on the ground with shoulder-width apart and your fingers facing forward. Keep elbows out, and lower your body till your arms are parallel to the ground. Pull your body up while stretching your arms, repeat the moves in each set. 

Practice Balance

Everything you do- travel or otherwise, needs balance. You walk, climb the stairs, hike; it all needs balance. As we age, we lose balance like flexibility and strength. However, it is possible to regain balance with the workout. 

In order to practice balance, stand on one leg and engage your quad, glute, and core. In case you are unsteady for this, stand in a doorway for support. Once you gain complete balance and learn to stand like flamingo without losing balance, try swinging your leg backward and forward and left and right. For advanced moves, you can stand on a folded towel, or move your head up and down and side to side.

Practice Planks

Planks ensure you keep your core and abs strong. Lie down in pushup position, keep body weight on your forearms and keep them flat and parallel on the ground. Keep core tight and hold your body for as long as you can. For advanced moves, you can lift your foot a few inches or perform side planks. 

A Final Word:

Regardless of the purpose of your travel, sitting for long hours can make your body lethargic and inflexible. These quick exercises will help you keep your body warmed up. And if you go hiking or any other adventurous activity during your travel, regular exercising will prevent you from injuries. 

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