The Bucket List: Linda

Guest blog by: Jocelyn of

I think if you ask most people what’s on their bucket list they would answer with daredevil activities, exotic places to visit, weird foods they have never tasted or tropical islands that they have only seen pictures of. 

But how many people have a workout bucket list?

I do and this particular workout has been on my list for about 3 years now, and it is Linda. For a refresher:  


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps, For Time

         Deadlift (1.5 bodyweight)

         Bench Press (bodyweight)

         Clean (3/4 bodyweight)

Currently, I weigh 135 lbs so that would make my deadlift 202.5 lbs, bench press 135 lbs, and clean 102 lbs. It is a grand total of 55 reps. Ideally, I would want to move through it with minimal breaks and as smooth as possible. Recently, we saw this as the second WOD in the 2018 CrossFit Regionals at almost the same weight. I am nowhere near a regional athlete level, not even a super fit person.  I am squarely in the realm of the average person that works out but definitely eats french toast.  

Looking at this, I can tell you the sticking point is and always will be the deadlift. Weird, right? I find that typically women have a stronger deadlift than they do a bench press, and while I absolutely can deadlift more than I can bench (barely), I am significantly stronger (percentage-wise) upper body vs lower body.

Yesterday, I checked out my stats on Kilomodo. If you are not familiar, Kilomodo is a kick-ass fitness tracker that allows me to keep my stats in line, record workouts no matter where I am, and connect with a community. Plus they compose pretty rad graphs of my stats.  You can check them out here: or @kilomodo on Instagram.

Below are my stats for each lift.

Not too shabby, right? I feel pretty confident that I can hit the bench in small sets. Here come the tougher stats to digest… 

As you can see I have not been deadlifting frequently and my stats are declining. There is some definite work to be done here.

Overall, I am hoping to get to a point to pull solid singles throughout.  

kilomodo 4

Now what?

Now, it is time to put a plan into action. I think it is absolutely a doable WOD with some prep work. I need to get on a deadlift strength cycle as well as maintain my current bench numbers. My goal would be to start a strength cycle next month and feel confident about this WOD by late September, early October.

That way by the time I am headed off on the Spain trip, I can cross two items off my bucket list, Linda and the El Caminito Del Rey hike!

Till next time,

~ Jocelyn.  

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