If you are on the go and need some workout ideas, here are two of my favorites. Both are simple and devastatingly effective. Since every travel scenario is different, I have provided one workout that includes minimal equipment, and one workout that requires no equipment at all.
Travel workout #1
For Time:
100 Dumbbell Burpee Clusters
This one is absolutely brutal. Pick a pair of dumbbells that you can handle well, no more than 50lbs for dudes and 35lbs for dudettes. Do a burpee on top of the dumbbells, jump up, and squat clean the dumbbells straight into an overhead press. Repeat that 100 times, and lose a piece of your soul in the process.
Travel workout #2
5 Rounds:
15 Push Ups
25 Sit Ups
35 Squats
This workout needs no equipment and no space at all. It may not look like much, but this one will kick your ass. 75 total push ups, 125 sit ups, and 175 total squats will add up fast. Make sure you maintain intensity, and this one won't disappoint. Trust me.
Got a great travel workout for us? Email us anytime at staff@voyedgerx.com
more travel workouts

EMOM x 20mins
1st. 5 Shrimp Squats/leg
2nd. 10-12 Archer Style Push-Ups
3rd. 30sec Hollow Rock with Flutter
4th. Pike Deficit Push-Ups
Fitness on the go. Here’s a great partner workout you can do anywhere with no equipment.
No local gym to drop into? Use these essential travel movements to get a sweat in on your next trip.
Travel WOD 11.30.2019 - 21-15-9 of Burpees and dumbbell thrusters. Submitted by: Aimee Young.
Travel WOD: With a partner, work to complete: 100 Double Unders, 50 Burpees over your partner (Partner will be in a plank), 100 Double Unders, 50 Push Ups, 100 Double Unders, 50 Squat Jumps Over Partner (Partner will be in a plank), 100 Double Unders, 100 sit ups
No box around? No problem. See our latest #WODoftheWEEK and a 25-minute partner AMRAP we recently did on tour while in Croatia.
Be the fitness machine you were bred to be. Workout anywhere with the latest travel workout from team member: Aimee Young.
Learn to stay fit while traveling with our good friends from FittestTravel.com. See another one of their workouts here.
Push-ups, sit ups and running. What more could you want in a travel WOD? Up the ante by doubling the numbers, but here's this weeks travel WOD from Larry Thomas, Level Three CrossFit Trainer at CF One Nation and Commonwealth CrossFit.