Travel WOD 7.10.2018
On vacation or away from the box? Travel workouts are the perfect alternative to crafting that sculpted body you've always wanted. Put the hard work in and you'll thank yourself later.
Or, you could run leisurely through the woods like this fitness model
Let's dive in.
From: Aimee Young
3 rounds of:
Run 800m
50 air squats
If round one takes you more than 7 minutes to complete, consider scaling the run distance and/or squat repetitions slightly (example: 600m run and 35 air squats per round).
This workout is great because it can be done almost anywhere. If you’re in a hotel, simply use the hotel gym treadmill for your 800m run. If you do not have access to a track or treadmill to measure exact distance, then bring your phone or stopwatch, and run for a total of 3-5 minutes, depending on your running speed:
3 minutes = 6-minute mile pace
4 minutes = 8-minute mile pace
5 minutes = 10-minute mile pace
You can do this in a hotel, on the beach, on the streets in a city, down side roads in the suburbs, etc. It should take you 12-20 minutes to complete. Remember to squat below parallel for EVERY REP!
For more fitness travel WOD's, read here.
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