Travel WOD 12.14.2018

I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.
— Maya Angelou / Civil Rights Activist

Travel WOD:

For time:

100 dumbbell hang squat clean thrusters

*At the start of every minute perform 3 burpees

WOD credit: Aimee Young

Creativity. Discipline. Dreams. All of those go hand in hand when it comes to getting after it and pursuing your goals. Find out what drives you and make it a ritual to go after it each and every day you walk this earth. Part of that discipline comes from the motivation of a strong mind and strong body.

Whether or not you are traveling for the holidays, there is never an excuse to miss a workout. From hotel gyms, to thee great outdoors, to your bedroom, there are always ways to find time to sweat and become a better version of yourself. That’s thee purpose of these travel WOD's and I . hope you’ll use them.

A lot of the workouts we have been posting lately have included the dumbbell hang squat clean. A personal favorite movement of mine. Do this workout with a steady pace and find out just how hard 100 of these puppies can be. Men should use two 50 lbs. DBs and women should use 35 lbs. DB’s.

Post your time to the comments.

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