Travel WOD 2.1.2019

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you can do burpees before breakfast, you’re going to have a good day. Welcome back to our Travel Workout blog series here on VoyEdge RX. Today we are sharing a quick little burner for you to get your heart rate and metabolism up from your legs, through your core, shoulders and then entire body. The usual 50-40-30-20-10 combo is designed to keep you moving mentally and physically despite exhaustion. It can feel like a lot of reps, but after the first round of 50, tends to go pretty quick.

Let’s get to the workout and demo some movements here:

Travel Workout

50-40-30-20-10 of:

Walking Lunges

Plank Shoulder Taps


Find your groove, sweat it out, and never have an excuse not to workout on the road, at the hotel, or on your beach. Get that metabolism up, sweat it out, and be 1% better everyday.

Chad V. on our U.S. National Parks trip.

Chad V. on our U.S. National Parks trip.

Find more travel workouts from VoyEdge RX