Travel Workout #77

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

Welcome back to our Travel WOD’s section. In case you didn’t know, WOD stands for Workout of the Day, and is a term that CrossFit originated. Now, something I always recommend to everyone who travels is to bring their jump rope. If you have a speed rope from RPM fitness, or Rogue, or one of the many CrossFit-related companies out there, speed ropes are best to do double unders with. Any CrossFit athlete knows this, but when I travel, bringing my jump rope is a must.

Do it. You’ll thank yourself.

Today’s travel workout includes the jump rope, so if you brought yours, you’re in luck! Hopefully, you’ve mastered double unders, as well. Let’s get to the workout and tackle how to do double unders right after.

Travel WOD #77

100-80-60-40-20 of:

Double Unders

1/2 number of sit-ups

After every ‘round’ do a 200-meter run

Score is time finished

First things first. The workout, if you can do it RX (as prescribed), then you are in luck! This is a good one, with a lot of cardio and core work within it. Find a pillow if you don’t have an ab mat sit up, or just use the ground, grass, or sand as is. The workout should take you some time, as there are 300 double unders, 150 sit-ups, and a 1000 meter run in total.

For those of you who can’t do double unders, do the same number of single unders. Just a regular loop around your body counts as one. Below is a tutorial for the double under movement itself. Takes time and consistency like everything else in life. You will get there. Trust me.


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