Wisdom of the Week- Closing out the Lat Mobility
Stretching out the lats....here's how to do it properly
Hey hey! Here's the last of our latissimus dorsi mobility series from the Dolomites of Italy. Remeber: the lats are the HUGE wing-like muscles that stretch from your low back to your sides to under your armpits. They are the broadest muscle in the back and are crucial for functional fitness. Tight lats can result in chronic shoulder and chronic back pain, as well as tendonitis.
These exercises take just a few minutes and can be done either at home or at the gym. We hope that by now you understand the importance of keeping the lats healthy, but in case you are just joining us, here's a list of just a FEW of the exercises that require your lats...
April utilizing her lats doing knees to chest at CrossFit M1 in Milan during our Northern Italy/Switzerland Tour!
- Pull-ups (chest to bar or regular, strict or kipping)
- Chin-ups
- Muscle-ups (ring and bar)
- Peg board
- Toes to bar
- Knees to elbow (or knees to chest)
- Ring rows
- Front squat
- Thruster
- Rowing
- Swimming
- Deadlift
- Push press
- Push jerk
- Split jerk
^^That's A LOT of exercises...and it's only a handful of them! Please try these mobility exercises and let us know how you progress. Check out our trip calendar below, and we hope to see you on our next adventure!