#WODoftheWEEK 9.11.2017

In keeping with the trend of our #WODoftheWEEK's we'll post our latest one down below from CrossFit Park City (where Marc & Aimee currently are) but first I'd like to take a minute and remember 9/11/2001....

world trade center

Personally, I can't believe it's been 16 YEARS since 9/11. I remember where I was on that very moment and how that whole day transpired. Crazy, it will never leave me, for as long as I live. So many great people lost, heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice. It's terrifying, crazy and totally unreal all these years later. A big thank you to all those who helped out that day, week, and everyone who joined the service for all those years after 9/11. Truly not enough can be said, and the emotional impact it had on this country....crazy times...you are not forgotten. Much love to New York City on this emotional day. 

Also, if you've never watched History Channel's documentary on the attacks, it will truly make you feel like you were there. Absolutely astonishing stuff. So powerfully emotional, too. 

Onto the #WODoftheWEEK

Not gonna sugarcoat this one. It looks like it sucks, and it was programmed the other day at CrossFit Park City, where Marc & Aimee go. For me, personally, I can't do handstand walks, but if you're looking for a WOD that's going to smoke your shoulders, then take a gander at this beast, while we tackle skills and scaling options down below. 

For time:

-Row 1000m
-50 dumbbell single arm shoulder to overhead (55/35)
-100 ft handstand walk
-100 ft DB single arm suitcase walking lunge (55/35)
-100 double unders
-1000m run
-50 dumbbell single arm shoulder to overhead (55/35)
-100 ft handstand walk
-100 ft DB single arm suitcase walking lunge (55/35)
-100 double unders

Scaling options: Wondering how to scale this? Yeah, me too. For the 100 ft handstand walk, you can do 50 shoulder taps, and for the single arm DB snatches you can do a light weight, or power cleans with the DB if its less weight. From there, you can do goblet lunges instead of overhead lunges and cut the row/run down if you'd like. 

Your shoulders are going to be smoked, and for good reason...this is some serious sunburn lung-burn type shit, and a good WOD at that. Sounds like I'm gonna have to make my way out to CrossFit Park City pretty soon...

say dumbbell again

How you're going to feel at the end of this workout ^^ 

Good luck guys! Make sure to hit the 'heart' button down below so we know you read and liked the post! We love writing down, trying and reviewing some of the hardest workouts out there, and it's always an ode to the boxes coming out with some killer programming for all us athletes. We'd LOVE to keep doing it, so send our team your favorite WODs from your box with a short write-up to: staff@voyedgeRX.com



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