#WorkoutoftheWeek 5.6.2019

Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.
— David Lloyd George

Welcome back to Monday. Time to get up and go. Our weekly Workout of the Week posts continue, this week stemming from some of my programming from Marcus Filly, a former Games Athlete who has since founded Revival Strength. His programming is all about slowing things down and going for tempo - while working on building the quality of things like Turkish Get Ups, negatives, and a lot of box squat work and various holds.

What I really like about it is he slows things down. He is making people go for quality over quantity, which I feel like should be the emphasis of CrossFit these days to help avoid injuries and more. Anyway, he does program some WOD’s, metcons and weekly challenges from time to time, and I thought this one was challenging enough to bring into the #WorkoutoftheWeek, so let’s get to it.

#WorkoutoftheWeek 5.6.2019

From: Marcus Filly of Revival Strength

For Time

50 Bar Muscle Ups

*Every time you break complete 30 Unbroken Wall Balls (30lbs/20lbs)
*scale loads and reps back as needed

Score = time completed

Recap: So, like I' said…I’ve been partaking in Marcus’ programming for the last month and have seen some real improvements on my strength, Mostly, I feel like I’ve been building and gaining strength on both sides by slowing things down and focusing on the quality, not quantity of my reps. Marcus’ programming tends to take me about an hour and a half or more at the gym, but it’s something I really really like.

Marcus will also post weekly challenges on his IG just about every week and this workout was one of them.

I think 50 bar muscle-ups is insane, and especially with this workout, where every time you break, you have to do 30 unbroken heavy wall balls. That is kind of bananas….I think I can do 10 bar muscle-ups unbroken, but even at that pace, I’d be doing 150 heavy wall balls….seems kind of steep!

For scaling options, you can do this with pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or simply lower the number of bar muscle-up reps, or heavy wall balls, to say….15 reps or 10 reps each time you break.

Either way, I thought this was the exact kind of down and dirty workout you’d see at something like regionals, a competition, or somewhere else where elite athletes would be competing.

Brutally tough workout and immediately caught my eye as a potential #WorkoutoftheWeek submission here. I’m going to give it a shot at some point, and will most likely scale some of the wall balls to maybe 20 unbroken and see if I can still get to 50 bar muscle-ups….awesome stuff here, and if you need help on your bar muscle-ups, watch the tutorial video down below.

Great stuff, feel free to follow @MarcusFilly on IG here and also @RevivalStrength here.

Find a good workout online or at your own gym? Submit it as a #Workoutoftheweek by emailing us at: staff@voyedgerx.com. Comment below and let us know what you think of this week’s workout!

More #WorkoutoftheWeek posts