#WorkoutoftheWeek 8.6.2019 - Weight Vest WOD
“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”
Hey crew! Welcome back to another edition of our Workout of the Week posts.
Part of our mantra as a company is to bring you not only epic adventures around the world, but also to share and spread the wealth of fitness workouts out there.
As a team centered on the two principles of Travel & Fitness, we LOVE writing about workouts (and doing them, of course) and that is why we spend the time each and every week to share and showcase a different workout we’ve either done at our own gyms, boxes, or something we’ve tackled on a trip.
Sometimes we have community members submit workouts (which is great, and something we need more of), but this week I have something totally brand new and something I believe we’ve never posted before.
Sometimes Instagram will throw me a crazy workout from nowhere and from an account I don’t even follow, and on my ‘Explore’ page, something from @weightvestwod came through and I was pleasantly surprised. It was totally like they knew I like pull-ups, weight vests and of course, jumping jacks.
Anyway, this is my pick for the #WorkoutoftheWeek so let’s get to it, shall we?!
#WorkoufoftheWeek 8.6.2019
WOD Credit: @weightvestWOD
For Time:
120 pull-ups
Each time you break:
15 Jumping Jacks
RX = Wear a vest
Slow and steady here!
Buzz, your girlfriend…..woof. This workout does not look easy. And I love it because it is deceptively simple and you become your own worst enemy here. It’s all about the grind. Do you go with a big set from the get-go and risk running out of muscle endurance later? Or do you go a dedicated 5 or 10 pull-ups for every set and plan on doing 150+ - 300+ jumping jacks?
Either way, you’ve got to go into this kind of a workout with a strategy in mind. As I like to say, plan B is a plan to fail and I really believe you have to think about this workout before attempting it. Either way, if pull-ups are in your wheelhouse - awesome. If they aren’t, this workout will be somewhat of a wake up call. Also, for context, the hero WOD, ‘Murph’ has 100 pull-ups, and this one has 120. I bet those extra 20 will be tough as hell, too.
Also, have you ever done a jumping jack with a weight vest on? Might want to try that before putting one on and realizing that chaffing is REAL when it comes to jumping jacks in a vest. Don’t be that guy without a shirt on underneath the vest. I only tell you this from experience….plan on a sound strategy, take it slow and grind it through. Stick to sets of AT LEAST FIVE PULL-UPS per round. 10 if possible. If you can bust out more than 10 on your first go - then do it, but don’t dip below that five mark or this workout will creep up on you like a shadow in the late afternoon.
For scaling purposes you may want to go without a vest. If pull-ups are not your thing it is OK to use a band and work on the strict muscle movement to help you go up and down. From there, if you wish to scale further, feel free to 3/4 the reps to 90, or 1/2 them to 60 reps total, but no lower than that. DO WHAT YOU CAN! The point is to move and move well at any age. You do NOT need to wear a vest to satisfy that ego. Just put the work in, be consistent, try to avoid red-lining above your 90% mark or so and plan to SWEAT!
Make sure to feed your body with the proper nutrients and hydrate as well.
Great share from @weightvestWOD on Instagram. I’ll be sure to keep following them and you should, too.
Let me know what you think of this workout and submit a future #WorkoutoftheWeek by emailing me at: cam@voyedgerx.com
~ Cam OUT
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