Workout of the Week 6.10.2019

It’s not what you preach, it’s what you tolerate.
— Leif Babin

One of my all-time favorite quotes right there from a former Navy SEAL, Leif Babin. Marinate on that for a sec and hold it close. Anyways, hello and welcome back to the Workout of the Week blogs, where each week a member of our team is detailing an awesome workout that we saw, did, or will be doing soon.

This week I’m back writing about a recent workout I did at CrossFit Southie shortly before our Rome & Amalfi Coast trip in May 2019. I had just gotten off a red eye flight from Vegas and immediately went from the airport straight to the box, so I knew this was going to be fun and I’d have to dig deep to power through the workout, but luckily, it was right up my alley.

Let’s get to the workout, shall we?

CrossFit Southie in Boston, MA

CrossFit Southie in Boston, MA


WOD Credit:

21-18-15-12-9 of:

Power Snatch (#75/55)

Wall balls

I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect this kind of burner to hit me so hard, but damn, my grip was nearly smoked at the end of the round of 18 and 15 was where the struggle bus really hit my legs. I’ll be honest, I did overlook this WOD and grabbed a 30 lbs. wall ball, so that probably didn’t help too much but I looked at this workout and completely underestimated the 75 reps of power snatches and wall balls.

As it is, I’d go back and break up the rounds early and often into something like 12 and 9, and then 10 and 8 into the 18 rounds. After you push through those first two rounds everything does become easier, and it’s not necessarily the weight that kills you, but the grip. Something to think about when looking at these deceptively easy workouts. Also, a reminder to keep using your hips and getting under the bar as best as possible.

By the end, I will admit my form was getting a bit sloppy and I was no longer using my hip movement as a means to get the bar fully overhead. It probably looked more like a muscle snatch, but here is a subtle reminder to keep yourself accountable all the way through a workout like this.

Great workout by CrossFit Southie, and definitely add this one to your list of workouts to do or program, especially after a heavy snatch day for the weightlifting portion of class.

And if you need some assistance with your power snatch, see the video from CrossFit down below.

Chat soon!

~ Cam

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