#WODoftheWEEK - "14.4" 4.20.2018
“Every time you fall down, it gives you an opportunity to question yourself, question your integrity. It’s not about the actual failure itself, it’s how you respond to it.”
Olympic Stadium - Rome, Italy
#WODoftheWEEK 14.4
AMRAP in 14 minutes
60 calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bars
40 Wall Balls (20/14 lb, 10/9 ft)
30 Cleans (135 lb)
20 Muscle-Ups
Recap & Strategy
Ok, so welcome back to our #WODoftheWEEK posts. If you've been doing CrossFit for a while, you may recall this one fro the 2014 CrossFit Open, and it was arguably one of the most brutal ones in past years.
Maybe? Let us know in the comments down below.
But, what we have here is a pretty good spring into a mid-chipper. You obviously want to spring the row and break up the toes-to-bar in a manageable set of 10-15 before diving into the wallballs unbroken. The cleans of course are going to be tough, as your grip and stamina might be a little shaky at this point, but you've got to power through and just get them done at this point.
Trying to 'strategize' an open WOD....
Maybe breaking them up into sets of 3-5 or 5-7 might be a good choice so you don't break yourself on the muscle-ups, there. Either way, the muscle-ups will be the most taxing and will require a steady plan of attack. Don't get yourself get lost in trying to do too many unbroken, or by not giving yourself enough time to recover from your attempts.
*Missed muscle-up attempts will put you into a dark place. Trust me....take your time on these*
Scaling: If that is not an option for you, then dial back (go scaled with the calories on the rower, knees-to-elbows) and keep the same number of wall balls, cleans and do pull-ups (20) if you can.
Row 60 Calories
50 Ab-mat situps (toes to bar if possible)
40 Wall Balls
30 Cleans
20 Pullups (muscle ups if possible)
And if muscle-ups are giving you some major trouble, remember to focus on the hip drive! My box, CrossFit Southie has an awesome video on how to improve the efficiency of this movement.
That's about it for now, guys. If you have a #WODoftheWEEK you want to share with us, or one you recently did at your box, send it to us in the box below!
And don't forget to leave us a comment down below to let us know what you think of this WOD
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