#WODoftheWEEK 'Dragged out Fran'
Sounds enticing, right?
Who wouldn't want to do more 'Fran stuff?' I'm not going to lie, I saw my friend @billytriestolift post a video of him doing this WOD and I thought it looked totally brutal and I wanted to make it our #WODoftheWEEK and put it on our Instagram.

Also, before we get there, Billy Pesatauro (AKA @billytriestolift) is the founder of The Drop-In App, an iOS and Android app that helps CrossFit Athletes find their next drop-in easily and quick.
I've used it a couple times and Billy has been marketing it like crazy. You just log in a couple of your primary scores, sign the online waiver for the box you're going to and wham, you're all set.
And while drop-ins at boxes are good, Billy understands most CF boxes have a primary focus on their members and growth as athletes. So, no sweat, it's no extra issue for the box, Billy is making it easier for any and all individuals from both parties to get a good sweat on, making the transaction seamless via someone's personal phone.
Anyway, Billy is a great follow on Instagram, I highly suggest following both him @billytriestolift and @thedropinapp.
Now, let's dish it out on the WOD. Oh, did we mention Billy is a serious power lifter? You can find him coaching down in Fort Lauderdale or traveling the world promoting The Drop In App.
9 THRUSTERS (95#,65#)
Again, you can watch this video of Billy doing it under seven minutes, but this one looks like a lung burner.
Do you go unbroken on all the thrusters? Do you break up the pull-ups? It doesn't sound so bad at first, but when you do the math, it's still all of Fran. I'm talking all 45 reps. Really just a different kind of Fran. Still a lung burner, but brought out to be a little easier on the eyes...just deceitful as hell.
Either way, it's still 45 thrusters and 45 pull-ups and a bitch of a workout.
And if you're looking for some tips on how to do a thruster, look here at this demo. Make sure to post your time to the comment section below the video.
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