Travel WOD 1.22.2017

I just got back from touring Florence and Rome, Italy (for our upcoming Amalfi Coast + Rome trip) and wasn't always in the vicinity to a close gym, so what did I do? Travel WOD's of course. 

With body movements being such a clutch invention, there's seemingly endless amounts of WOD's you can do in places like your hotel room, hostel, or even outdoors. So, the other day, I checked for some CrossFit boxes around me, and the nearest one was about 5.5 miles away...not a bad run, but it was also 28 degrees Fahrenheit outside and I didn't have the proper gear to run 5.5 miles on those cobblestone streets, WOD it was. 

Florence is great....but there's no CrossFit box in the old town of Florence. The nearest one is 2.5 miles outside the city WOD's it is. 

Florence is great....but there's no CrossFit box in the old town of Florence. The nearest one is 2.5 miles outside the city WOD's it is. 

I'll get to the WOD in a sec, but let's talk about the air squat for a second. Seemingly one of the most important things to focus on as a CF athlete. With so many movements utilizing the 'squat' something as simple as getting below parallel can be quite tough for people starting out, and even middle of the road athletes. 

So, how do you alleviate that? Practice makes perfect. Do those air squats, warm up with them, use them in travel WOD's and beat the hell out of your body till that muscle memory kicks in 100% of the time. 

Here was the WOD I did the other day in Florence, Italy in my airBnB. 


  • 1 Minute Handstand hold (wall) Scale -> 2 wall walks

  • 50 Air Squats 

  • 25 Push-ups 

  • 1 minute plank hold 

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Score is slowest round

Spicy....a lot more shoulder intensive than I thought it was going to be, but nonetheless, it was a good one to do. Focus on standing all the way up from those air squats, and of course hitting the proper depth. 

Also, handstand holds are a great way to build up the shoulder strength for those handstand push-ups later down the road. Above is a great video on how to perform a handstand hold against a wall. 

Post your times down on the blog comment section. Hope to see you guys on some trips down the road! 

Email me with questions, your travel WOD's and more. Don't forget to join our mailing list at the bottom of the page. 

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