#WODoftheWEEK 6.5.2017 Hero WOD 'Pat'
With more and more people doing CrossFit each and every year, sadly there are too many stories to recount of bravery, heroism and with that said, this brings us to this week's #WODoftheWEEK coming from Lauren, Metcalfe.
This workout was originally posted from CrossFit.com on May 29th, 2017 and boasts an impressive amount of work for a single workout. For anything over 5 rounds, you know you're in it for the long haul, and this one is really no different. The point of hero WOD's is not to PR, or crush your time, it's about remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and doing the best we can for the fallen.
It's a time to remember our freedom's and be thankful, grateful, and more importantly to keep our heads up. Remember to thank someone next time you see them in uniform.
Here's Lauren's #WODoftheWEEK. See our blog list for more #WODoftheWEEK from VRX. Description of Pat down below.
6 Rounds for Time
25 Pull-Ups
50 ft Front-Rack Lunges (75/55 lb)
25 Push-Ups
50 ft Front-Rack Lunges (75/55 lb)
All while wearing a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)
Post your time to comments.
This Hero WOD was originally posted on the CrossFit main site as the workout of the day for Monday, May 29, 2017 (170529).
Army Sgt. Patrick Hawkins, 25, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was killed on Oct. 6, 2013, while conducting a special operations mission in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Hawkins was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment of Fort Benning, Georgia.
Hawkins’ friends and fellow service members remember his enthusiasm for CrossFit. He often used CrossFit training with his Fire Team and particularly enjoyed wearing weighted body armor during his workouts.
Hawkins is survived by his wife, Brittanie; and parents, Roy and Sheila.