#WorkoutoftheWeek 2.11.2019

Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.
— Jodie Foster
Maxability Sports & CrossFit

Maxability Sports & CrossFit

Welcome back to our #WorkoutoftheWeek posts, where we are constantly sharing and posting awesome workouts from around the CrossFit community for your enjoyment and to test them out. Have a killer workout you recently did? Send it to us at: staff@voyedgerx.com or submit it at the end of this blog post down below.

Today, we have a workout from Maxability Sports & CrossFit in New Jersey. VoyEdge RX has proudly had a lot of people from this box on our trips and we love this community.

They also go ham for the CrossFit Open and are totally worth a follow down below on IG.

Now, let’s get to the workout itself, shall we?

Drop us a comment and let us know what you think of these posts as well.


For Time:
Double Unders
Clean & Jerk (135/95)

(12 Minute Max)

WOD Credit: Maxability Sports and CrossFit


This workout looks to be a good one with a lot of aerobic capacity and weightlifting together. A classic couplet designed to get your hear rate up and keep it there. Let’s dive in…..with the double unders, try to keep a steady rhythm and just get after it. They are going to spike your hear rate, so just deal with them as fast as you can so you can get to the bar. Obviously 300 double unders is a lot, but again, know that it is all downhill so do what you can.

When you get to the clean & jerk portion, singles may seem like the best way to go. And, if that’s the case do it with a single breath or two in-between. Stopping and putting your hands on your knees will not get you through this workout. Take a deep breath and power clean & jerk the bar as fast as possible. The more time you can limit the bar resting on your front rack the better. 45 reps of 135 lbs. clean and jerk ain’t gonna get easier, so just tackle is as fast as you can. If you need to slow down and do a power clean & push jerk, watch the video below.

If you can go unborken or link several reps in a row, do so with minimal focused rest in-between.

Need scaling options?

Scale the Clean and Jerk weight as needed.
If you struggle with doubles, do half the numbers or times two with single unders.
Scale to finish!

Big shoutout to Maxability Sports & CrossFit for sharing this one with us, too. Follow them on IG here and visit them at: http://maxability.net/ and drop into their awesome community if you are ever in the New Jersey area!

More #WorkoutoftheWeek posts