#WODoftheWEEK 12.11.2017
Pick up where you left off....
Park City, Utah
The point of these #WODoftheWEEK's are to introduce you to a potential new workout you may never have done before. Our team is not necessarily trying to 'program' for you, but more so detail some of the more brutal workouts we encounter on a daily basis and want to share them with the world.
Feel free to save them, do them, comment at the bottom with your times/thoughts and keep checking back on a weekly basis for more. Hell, if you want to share one with us, email us with the workout and a paragraph or two about it to: staff@voyedgerx.com
For this week's workout, Aimee wanted to share hers, from CrossFit Park City, which looks to be a real test, with four-minute cycles of some interesting movements. Let's dive in.
Complete 4 cycles of...
AMRAP 4min
-60 double unders
-12 med ball cleans (20/14#)
-10 box jumps (24/20")
-8 toes to bar
Double Unders are tough....the only way to get better is to keep doing them every.damn.day.
Obviously not an easy one here. Ultimately (I'm guessing) you should be able to complete 2+ rounds for every cycle you go through here. The double unders can definitely be the tricky part (either you have them, or you don't), and if you don't just do double the amount in singles, but the box jump, med ball cleans, and toes to bar will add up pretty quickly over time, and if you can keep up 2+ rounds per cycle through the end of it, that's a damn good score.
Again, if you're struggling with double unders, watch the video down below, but add this workout to your list of 'WODs to do,' and feel free to submit a #WODoftheWEEK to us anytime. We'd love to hear your thoughts down below.
Don't forget to check out our friends CrossFit Park City, and thank you for letting us share your programming!
Have a #WODoftheWEEK you want to share? Email us! staff@voyedgerx.com
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