Scoping 'The Great Northeast.' Part 1
Hi everyone, Cam here from VoyEdge RX. It's been a wild couple of weeks planning new itineraries, marketing to other CF boxes and integrating non-CrossFit elements into our company. As a team, we're really beginning to come together and sew our vision to each other. We truly believe in what we're creating.
And I guess you could say we're in it for the longterm at this point - and what we see as a viable, profitable company one day, ties into the fact that what we're doing, is something we'd willing to be consumers for.
The whole reason VoyEdge RX exists (how we started really) is from the fact that we wanted to travel, get outside and especially do WOD's in-between. With majority of our team stemming form being tour guides in Europe, or studying abroad, we've grown into a small team with big aspirations to traverse the globe one day.
Mix in the fact that most of us are also CrossFitters, sponsored athletes and or coaches, we are beginning to forge the market segment we couldn't find within the CrossFit community. For me, each CF box is entirely different. Filled with athletes of all skills levels, age ranges, abilities and more - my absolute favorite thing is seeing a wide range of people cheer each other on and encourage them to finish.
I love seeing that.
For me, that's what being a 'Community,' means. You support each other no matter what and cast egos aside. That's what I feel is emblematic about VoyEdge RX. Our goal isn't simply to craft a fitness travel company - we're in the business of forging a lifestyle. An adventurous, boundary-pushing one where people from all ages, backgrounds, skill levels and more come together to craft, unique, individualized experiences around the world.
This is adventure travel. This is CrossFit. And VoyEdge RX is the lifestyle we're creating.
Now, motivational speeches aside, Tim, Meghan and I are scouting our 'Great Northeast' trip this weekend. (PDF down below).
We're traveling from Boston, to the following cities:
- Portsmouth, NH
- Portland, ME
- Bartlett, NH
- Burlington, VT
- Back to Boston, MA
And we're dropping-in to the following CrossFit boxes on our trip:
Right now, I'm writing this blog post from Market Square in Portsmouth, NH. I grew up in the town next door and know Portsmouth pretty well. It's an incredibly charming town in the fall (year round really) and the three of us had dinner last night at The Portsmouth Brewery. This town is literally a food and drink maven's paradise and I wouldn't sugarcoat that by any means. There's literally hundreds and bars and restaurants to choose from, nestled right along the Piscataqua River.
I can't wait until we run a full group trip here. It's the perfect place for a pub crawl, a walking tour and an iconic New England town.
Additionally, Tim and I dropped into CrossFit Portsmouth last night to do a WOD. Awesome place, awesome coaching and a unique box for sure. With the whole 'Spartan' theme they have going on there, it's tough-looking, but ultra-friendly. Here's the WOD we did last night thanks to CrossFit Portsmouth:
4 Rounds (for total reps)
Three minute AMPRAP of:
15 Power Snatches 75/55
10 Bar over burpees
Rest 1 minute in between.
I scored (total reps per round: 48, 43, 40, 40) for a grand total of 171 reps. Post your scores after doing this WOD down below.
After I'm done with this blog post, Tim, Meg, Sadie (our dog) and I will be heading up to Portland, ME. Another epic foodie town. Albeit, a bit bigger than Portsmouth, we'll be dropping into CrossFit Beacon this afternoon and couldn't be more pumped. Yeah, we're a little sore and tired from last night's WOD here in Portsmouth, but we'll muscle up and get after it in Portland tonight.
We'll be posting pics on our Twitter and Instagram pages as we go, so be sure to follow us on our social channels down below AND subscribe to our email blast. We're pushing content about new trips, new WOD's and other fun facts on a bi-weekly basis. I hope you'll participate, follow what we're doing and get involved with us in the near future by coming on a trip!
Any other questions, comments or concerns, shoot me an email at:
And be sure to check out 'THE GREAT NORTHEAST' as we continue scoping it for future tours - as well as the rest of our itineraries on our site. Click the button below for more info and to see our other tours!
Email us at: