#WORKOUToftheWEEK 6.22.2018
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Submitted by: Dana Korman of Alpine CrossFit
For Time:
21-15-9 Hang Cleans (115/75)
42-30-18 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs.
(12 Minute Max)
alpinecrossfitBecause she’s a badass!
#Repost @dc__amanda with @get_repost
Week off, ready to get back to it.
pc: @brayshawcreative #cfcctriplethreat
I love these little couplets. Workouts you think you can walk in and barely stretch and still crush (who does that, though?) it, but you're always dead wrong and end up out of breath and on the floor completely winded.
These short, fast, burners (much like Fran) end up humbling the shit out of you, and if I had to guess anything here, it'd be the hang cleans that wreck your grip after the first round before you could even get to the wall balls. 21-15-9 can feel like forever, especially when you double the reps with wall-balls, so I'll be eager to try this one out here.
When I first saw the time cap, I did a double take, but I bet this WOD will easily bring you into the 9-10 minute mark even if you are a good athlete. Those hang power cleans are not easy.
Anyway, scaling should be pretty obvious here, either drop the weight of the hang cleans, or the wall-balls themselves. There is a 12-minute cap on this, but if you can get through the first round, you can get through the whole thing. Push it till about 90% and see what you can do for this quick, fast workout. Just don't break yourself, you still have about 48 minutes of class before you get to this thing!
Anyway, awesome submission by coach Dana Korman of Alpine CrossFit in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
If you want to call them and are close, reach them at: (303) 263-2997 or info@alpinecrossfit.com or follow them on IG by clicking on the photo to the right!
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