Tony's #WODoftheWEEK 11.28.2016

Hey guys, so if you haven't caught on to this yet, each week we're all taking turns sharing a workout that we either love, or hate...we're calling it our #WODoftheWeek and want to encourage other athletes to try it out and post their times on our blog. 

If you're a CrossFitter and have the time to do these workouts (awesome) but if you're not, no worries! This is all stuff that can be worked on, but with fitness obviously being a crucial element of what we do here at VRX, we'll be sharing some WOD's from our boxes and detailing our experience with them. So, without further a due, heres' my pick for the workout of the week. 




Tony’s Workout of the Week

3 rounds

  • 1 minute of wall balls (20/14lb)

  • 1 minute rest

  • 1 minute of Russian kettlebell swings (53/35lb)

  • 1 minute rest

  • 1 minute of reverse/back lunges (53/35lb)

My homies did this little number last week at my home gym of Crusher CrossFit and for the next three days my buns were feeling it. Means I got stronger right? I sure as hell hope so.

My initial thoughts upon seeing this was that I could do it all unbroken. The most thrown around phrase at our gym is, “you can do anything for a minute” and it just so happened all the times lined up perfectly with 1 minute, crazy how that happens huh? (eye roll).

I am a big fan of wall balls and was able to get to 32 in every round. If you are a tad more efficient in your squat and catching timing you might be able to sneak in one or two more but if you say you got more than 34 I will call you a liar or you should talk to NASA about gravity being a scam.

The statement about you can do anything for one minute is so true and I rested like a boss for that minute. Seriously, everyone has it in them to go hard on anything for a minute. It's all about shutting your brain off and simply telling your body to, "go."

Russian kettlebell swings were new to me. Have never done them before as I think I have only done the American (above your head) kind. Russian (get to eye level) swings go fairly quickly and I was able to get in 40 on my first round and then 39 the last two rounds. Forearms started to get a little tight but at the top of the swing I let my grip loosen a bit for pulling down.

Again, rested hard.

Reverse lunges with the same size kettlebell. These hurt. I tried to pace a bit the first round knowing I had two more rounds of this hell movement but on every round I kept getting faster and was able to sneak in a few more than the previous rounds. Just block out the pain as best as you can and keep moving no matter how slow you must go. As I mentioned in the beginning, my posterior was in cahoots the next couple days so make sure and stretch out those glutes!

Tony’s reps: 333 Rx (109, 110, 114). Didn’t leave a lot left in the tank.

Good Luck!

For any trip, workout, or life advice don’t be afraid to contact me or any other member of the VRX team! Feel free to shoot me an email below and of course, check out some of the trips we have coming up!