#WorkoutoftheWeek 3.18.2019 - CrossFit Open 19.4
“There are two kinds of people in this game. Humble ones and those who are about to be.”
Welcome back to our #WorkoutoftheWeek posts. This week we are discussing the release of 19.4 - The CrossFit Open’s fourth workout released among a 5-week interval that is known as the CrossFit Open. The Open is designed to find the fittest people on earth over a global leaderboard which you can find here.
These workouts are elegantly designed and released every Thursday night and performed at thousands of affiliates worldwide. Whether or not you are registered and competing in the 2019 CrossFit Open, it is one of the best times of the year for the sport of fitness and allows for camaraderie among athletes who are all cheering each other on.
Now, part of the CF philosophy is to design workouts meant to push you to new heights, literally. This year, we have seen a lot of movements (strict, especially) that boxes, athletes and a lot of us typically neglect. This workout here with 19.4 is right on that path, too. Let’s get to the workout itself and tackle a recap after.
Here we go. You ready for bar muscle-ups?
#WorkoutoftheWeek - 19.4
Workout 19.4
For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches
12 bar-facing burpees
Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees
Men snatch 95 lb., Women snatch 65 lbs.
Time cap: 12 minutes
WOD Credit: CrossFit.com
Well, well….we knew muscle-ups would make an appearance this year, but I didn’t expect to see them in the second to last week of the Open. And couple with snatches and bar-facing burpees, this is going to take a toll on your forearms. At least there is a three-minute mandatory rest after you finish the first set (wait, WHAT?!). Yes, that is right…..30 snatches and 36 bar-facing burpees later, you must take 3-minutes off exactly within the 12-minute window before moving on to bar muscle-ups and more bar-facing burpees.
Wow, well….total suckfest here with bar-facing burpees. Hope you’ve been practicing (insert laugh) but again, that is the beauty of CrossFit. They are going to test these workouts and expose weaknesses overall. No one is programming bar-facing burpees and bar muscle-ups together and they know this to a T. They want to see how well you can lock and load through the suck. Who can hang on and fight through the shooting forearm pain and make the most of a (dare I say - 9-minute workout?).
Read the Open standards for 19.4 here
CrossFit knows by know the field is slimming and that a lot of athletes at affiliates are not going to make it through all ten of those bar muscle-ups, but a lot of people will go and get their first, second or maybe even third bar muscle-up and that is the goal here.
The field is thinning….workouts are heating up….but, are you good at bar-facing burpees? Time will tell. Go for a good tiebreaker score here with the first three rounds. That will be the key to a solid score, and give yourself as much time as possible to get through the second set. Three minutes is a long time to catch your breath and shake out the lactic acid here.
You got this. Leave us a comment down below and let us know what you thought of this workout here.
P.S. Need some muscle-up transition drills? Read here.
More #WorkoutoftheWeek posts here
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3 Rounds For Time of: 30 Wallballs, 20/15 calories on the assault bike, 10 deadlifts, 65% of 1RM
4 RFT (rounds for time) starting every 6 minutes of: 12/10 cal row, 8 CTB pull-ups, 8 box jump overs, 16 KB swings = 70/53 lbs., 8 box jump overs, 8 TTB, 12/10 cal bike
AMRAP 10: 10 Power Cleans (155/103 lb), 10 Bar-Facing Burpees, 50 Double-Unders
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