#WORKOUToftheWEEK 10.12.2018
“Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.”
Straight from the 2018 CrossFit Games, we’re doing ring muscle ups this week!
Muscle ups are famously known for being one of the most technically advanced movements in CrossFit. It engages your entire body while perfecting the gymnastics aspect of your physical fitness… and they look pretty cool, too.
Grab some tape, head to the rings, and try this one out!
The Workout
For Time:
30 Ring Muscle Ups
Time cap: 5 minutes
Courtesy of CrossFit.com
Although this workout will be very short for advanced athletes, beginner and intermediate athletes should not worry about finishing quickly. Instead, scaling athletes should pick a modification that offers an opportunity to practice the muscle-up and improve strength and skill. If you’re currently nowhere near a muscle-up, work on a pulling exercise and a pushing exercise.
Intermediate Option
Complete as many ring muscle-ups as possible in 15 minutes.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 strict pull-ups
5 ring dips
Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 ring rows, using a false grip
5 jumping dips, slowing the descent
5 minutes is an aggressive time cap so knowing yourself and your abilities is key to crossing the finish line. Small sets with very short rest between is the way to go with this workout. Trying to do all 30 reps as fast as humanly possible, unbroken may lead to failure much quicker than if you pace yourself through these.
Have a thought or already tackled this workout? Comment at the bottom of this post!
Want to share a future #WORKOUToftheWEEK with us?
Email it to us at: staff@voyedgerx.com with a quick paragraph on the workout itself and we'll get it on the blog ASAP!