#WorkoutoftheWeek 12.10.2018
“Don’t assume a door is closed. Push on it. Do not assume if it was closed yesterday that it is closed today.”
#WorkoutoftheWeek 12.10.2018
Submitted by: Sasha Preziosa WOD credit: CrossFit Southie
3 rep Max Overhead Squat
timne cap: 8 Minutes to Establish 3 Rep Max OhS from the Rack
Score: Max weight for complex
Summary: 8 minutes to establish a 3 rep max of the overhead squat. How do your shoulders feel? How low can you go? When was the last time you tested out something like this? How many attempts do you do? 2? 3? Those are all tough questions to answer, but it should all be determined by how you’re feeling on a any given day. Especially when it comes to doing a tough complex like this in such a short amount of time.
This workout can be deceitful. I don’t know anyone that likes the overhead squat as it can be a very finnicky movement with a lot of stretching and mobilizing required. Now, add in the fact that CrossFit Southie threw this workout into the fray of a 2-day competition and you can can say hello to a flurry of mixed emotions. Going into a workout like this can cause enough stress, but in the middle of a comp? Gross.
Anyways, this workout can be dangerous, too, so I’d urge you to test this out with caution. Don’t go into it without the proper loosening of your arms, chest, upper back and of course, shoulders. Don’t push it if you are not feeling it, but also know this workout is just as much about technique as it is about strength.
Lastly, I’ve seen a dude put up a three rep max of 315 lbs. on this complex, but I don’t think I’ll be breaking 200 lbs on this one any time soon, and I am totally ok with that. I like my elbows, forearms, and cranium just how they are. Maybe you do, too.
Anyways, what’s your max for this complex? Tell us down below!
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