Wisdom of the Week- Breaking Down The Rope Climb
Still struggling with those pesky rope climbs? DON'T STRESS! This week we break down the foot clamp to help you increase efficiency in your rope climb.
The foot clamp is the most important part of the rope climb. The stronger your foot clamp is, the better your rope climbs will be. The goal of the foot clamp is to create a shelf to trap the rope on, allowing you to use your legs to push off it to 'stand up', moving yourself up the rope.
Notice how he is clamping down on his FOOT and not on the rope in picture 3. This will allow you to stand up without the rope slipping!
Grab hold of the rope with 2 hands and raise your dominant knee up as high as you can.
Line the rope up on your dominant leg so it is inside your knee and outside your foot, flexing your foot hard, as shown in the video.
Using your free foot, scoop the rope under the flexed foot, keeping it in a close and tight clamp.
Trap the rope by stepping hard on the flexed foot.
Using your legs, stand yourself up, and walk your hands up the rope.
BY THE WAY! Costa Rica September 9-16th, 2017 is ON SALE for $900. Check out the full itinerary below!