#WorkoutoftheWeek 4.8.2019
“I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”
Welcome back to our #WorkoutoftheWeek posts. Let’s get right into it as we have the Open WOD from the CrossFit Open back in 2015 with a slew of muscle-ups, double unders and wall balls. Talk about a deep arm and shoulder burn….
Let’s take a look at the workout and recap it down below in terms of strategy. Anyone out there remember this one?
Read more from the Open Workout 15.3 on CrossFit.com here.
crossfit open workout 15.3
7 Muscle-Ups
50 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
100 Double-Unders
Men use 20-lb. ball to 10 feet, Women use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet
After the last double-under, the athlete will move back to the rings and begin the next round. Score will be the total number of repetitions completed before the 14-minute time cap.
Welcome back to our weekly series here. If you remember this workout from the 2015 CrossFit Open you probably remember a bit of shoulder fatigue, too. With the muscle-ups, wall balls and double unders, this workout is the pain train. There’s no time to recover here and it will test you throughout the 14-minutes. Some athletes will be able to truck through all of this in the 14-minutes, others will hit a wall, and some people may be working on their muscle-ups for 14-minutes.
Either way, look at the scaling options down below and figure out where you might have the ability to get the most work done. There is NO SHAME in scaling down for this workout if you can’t do the first 7 muscle-ups…..better to scale down and do pull-ups so you can keep it moving.
Either way, add this one to the programming schedule and continually test your gymnastics and aerobics in one fell swoop. Great workout, and don’t forget to submit a workout of the week down below the scaling standards for this Open workout from 15.3.
Scaling options:
(Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’d Women, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54, Teen Boys 16-17, Teen Girls 16-17)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 muscle-ups
50 wall-ball shots
100 double-unders
Men use 20-lb. ball to 10 feet, Women use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet
(Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 wall-ball shots
200 single-unders
Men use 20-lb. ball to 9 feet, Women use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet
see more #WorkoutoftheWeek posts from VRX
This week we’re coming to you from Salzburg, Austria with 3 barbell complexes and a common movement like you’ve probably never done before in the workout…
Who’s ready for a long (but epic) sweat session?! This one comes from CrossFit B’Bros in Budapest!
3 Rounds at 85% sustained effort: Run 200 meters, 5 CTB, 5 TTB, 5 Pull-ups, Assault Bike 400 meters, 4-6 Strict Ring Dips, 12 Hand-release push-ups, 200 M Row, Rest walk 2 minutes, 30 seconds between rounds
A little bit of everything here to build that strength!! Chest-to-bar pull-ups, Row, Strict Ring Dips, Ring Push-ups, Assault Bike and plenty of rest in between. Check it out!
3 Rounds For Time of: 30 Wallballs, 20/15 calories on the assault bike, 10 deadlifts, 65% of 1RM
4 RFT (rounds for time) starting every 6 minutes of: 12/10 cal row, 8 CTB pull-ups, 8 box jump overs, 16 KB swings = 70/53 lbs., 8 box jump overs, 8 TTB, 12/10 cal bike
#WorkoutoftheWeek 9.9.2019 comes to us from CrossFit LoDo in Denver, CO. Read more in the blog!
#WorkoutoftheWeek 9.2.2019 comes to us from Revival Strength and Marcus Filly’s ATS programming, Day 29.
For Time @ 75%: 18-14-10-8-6 reps of: Dual Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53 , Dual Kettlebell Rack Reverse Lunges (total reps) 70/53, Rest 3mins. For Time @ 75% : 8-10-12-14-16 of: Burpee Plate Jumps, KB Snatch R 70/53 , KB Snatch L 70/53
#WorkoutoftheWeek 8.13.2019: Move Steady - Three Rounds For Time: 40m Single Arm KB Rack Carry/arm 70/53 , Assault Bike 1/.8 Miles , 15 Supine Toes to Bar 20X0 , 15 KB Sumo Jump Squats 70/53
We’ve got an awesome partner workout from CrossFit Vienna for ya! Get ready to SWEAT!