#WorkoutoftheWeek 2.25.2019 - CrossFit Open 19.1
“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.”
Here we go! Welcome back to our #WorkoutoftheWeek series where each week we’ll be discussing a new workout from around the country and usually from a different box. This week, well, last Thursday, we began the usual CrossFit Open with the release of 19.1.
The point of the CrossFit Open is to qualify and find the fittest men and women from around the globe through a series of five challenging workouts released over a 5-week period. Athletes are given several days (until Monday at 8 pm EST) to register online and submit their scores to see the leaderboard of the fittest people on earth.
You can sign up for the CrossFit Games here. It is generally an awesome 5-week period in the sport of CrossFit and engages people from all over to compete in the same workout and increases camaraderie in the sport from affiliates everywhere.
Now, let’s get to the release of the first workout, 19.1.
#WorkoutoftheWeek 19.1 from the CrossFit Open
Workout 19.1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
19 wall-ball shots
19-cal. row
Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
WOD Credit: CrossFit.com
You can read more about the specific movements here, but this is a beautifully designed couplet designed to test you from the very get-go and is a mental grind. 15-minutes is a long time for two movements and most people will try to go unbroken and use the row as their rest. Don’t do this. Don’t even think about rest, you have to rip it and grip it from the very get-go here. Don’t even think about resting or stopping for one second. You have been training your legs to handle a load like this for a very long time and this workout is all about muscle endurance and efficiency.
Yes, this is a great workout for a tall person, but everyone has the capacity to get a great score here and this workout should be an eye opener as to what you are capable of handling. Is it your muscle endurance that fades - or your breath? Do you get sea legs after the first few rounds or are you cruising here?

The point of the CrossFit Open is to find the fittest on earth, but it is also elegantly designed to expose your weaknesses and bring out some of the things you may have been neglecting over the course of the year and training for the Open.
All in all, let us know what you thought of 19.1 - how your score transpired and what you liked or disliked about it. After all, these Open workouts aren’t designed for you to ‘like’ them. Best of luck and we’ll see you back here for 19.1!
We’ve got an awesome partner workout from CrossFit Vienna for ya! Get ready to SWEAT!