#Workoutoftheweek 10.26.2018
“The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape, it’s getting your mind in shape.”
Hello and welcome back to our #Workoutoftheweek posts! Each and every week we share a special workout one of our team members did, or one we did while on a trip. This week, it’s both of those.
Here’s a workout we did while on our National Parks 2018 tour this past August (photos here) when the crew didn’t have a box nearby. All that meant was our coaches, Marc & Aimee had to get creative and come up with something that would get people’s blood pumping.
Let’s dive into the workout itself.
Partner 1: 500m Run While Partner 2 does:
15 Ground to Overhead (Use a backpack filled with waterbottles, shoes, etc.)
10 Sit Ups
5 Burpees over Bag
When Partner 1 returns from the run, pick up where Partner 2 left off.
Complete as many rounds as possible within 20 minutes.
The workout: No barbell? No problem!
Body weight movements can easily be adapted and implemented in a variety of ways to get you sweating and feeling good. And big shoutout to Marc & Aimee for crafting this ingenious WOD using some custom VoyEdge RX branded backpacks.
This AMRAP (as many reps as possible) is designed as a partner workout to keep you moving the entire time. Whether you are running, or doing 15 ground to overhead, sit-ups, or burpees, you will undoubtedly be breaking a sweat in a few short minutes. Remember to pace it as you need! The key here is to have a steady burn. You do not want to burn out in the first five minutes and have to slog through the other 15.
Pace is key!
Now, write this one down and get after it. There’s nothing like a good workout in the morning followed by an epic day of sightseeing in the U.S. Southwest.
This workout was performed in the Arizona morning just after sunset before it got too humid but can be done anywhere with just about anything handy.
Just make sure to grab a buddy and get to it!
Featured athlete: Danna Mazzola of CrossFit Blue Diamond
Be sure to comment down at the bottom of this post and let us know what you think of this workout, or if you did it yourself on tour!
Submit a future #WorkoutoftheWeek to us by emailing us at: staff@voyedgerx.com
Or, click here to watch our U.S. National Parks video from this year.