#WODoftheWEEK 'Partner Up' 1.15.2018
"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
Hey guys! We are BACK this week (and a day late) with another awesome workout from CrossFit Southie.
Obviously, Tony & I go there, so until people start submitting workouts from their boxes, we will be posting some of our favorite (and most memorable) WOD's from our home box in beautiful South Boston, MA. If you are ever in the area, dop-in!
And check out CF Southie's website here and support our box by maybe buying some dope gear!
Good ol' CrossFit Southie - where we sweat profusely on a daily basis
Anyway, this workout was programmed for a Saturday, which arguably is my favorite day of the week to workout. Nothing says, 'Let's have a fabulous cheat day, ' like finishing a morning workout and having an early sweatfest.
As it is, this workout was programmed as a partner workout and is a BEAST, so let's hop to it then talk about it in the paragraph after.
#WODoftheWEEK 1.15.2018 'Partner Up!'
100 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (135,95)
100 Strict Pull-ups
200 Ab Mat Sit Ups
While one partner is working the other partner is rowing for distance. The repetitions can be completed in any order.
Score= Time for completed Reps & Rowing Distance
Level 3- 115,75
Level 2- 95,55
Level 1- 75,35
ADV- Strict chest to bar pull-ups
Ok, so, a lot of work here. Not going to sugarcoat this one AT ALL. You can break up this workout however you want to, but it is going to leave a mark. You've got a 40-minute time cap on this one and I would highly suggest breaking it up into 10 sets of work each, with each set looking like this:
- 5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters
- 5 strict pull-ups
- 10 ab mat sit-ups
Remember, while one partner is completing one round, the other is rowing for calories, so your arm and grip strength during this workout never really has time to recover. You will be sore, but the workout isn't so heavy on the rep scheme that its, 'undoable.' Just keep powering through and get after it however you can. Stay steady, put your head down, and WORK!
There is a 40-minute time cap, but take your time with this. Especially the hang squat clean thrusters. Do them in singles (or sets of five, if you're a badass) but either way, pace yourself. No matter HOW you break it up, you will have a lot on your plate here with the strict pull-ups and 10 ab-mat sit ups.
And if you need help with pull-ups, watch the video down below from Marc & Aimee.
Great workout, again, programmed by CrossFit Southie. Plus, partner WOD's always give you a great chance to meet other members of your box, so place yourself outside of your comfort zone and partner up with someone you've never met before and sweat this one out!
Wanna submit a #WODoftheWEEK from your box?
Email us a paragraph and the WOD to: staff@voyedgerx.com
And don't forget to share this workout and hit the heart button at the bottom of this post