Hopped Up
Billions of them, high in protein, calories, and....good for you?
No, I'm not kidding....they're actually kind of good for you.
Adventure is a bit of a lifestyle. It finds its way into life in a lot of strange ways. Some of the strangest occur in the kitchen. The same curiosity which drives us to see the world, compels us to explore the exotic on the grocery shelf. Where has this curiosity brought us this time? To crickets.
Before you jump on eating bugs as being strange recognize we, the non-bug eating culture, are in the minority. Over 80% of the world include insects in their diet. A staple amongst these selections are crickets.
And it makes sense. Here are just three reasons you should consider hopping on the bandwagon.
1. Good For Me
Dollars and cents, bugs provide an immense protein punch for relative low cost. Meat is expensive wherever you go ... bugs on the other hand, are bugs. And in comparison, you are getting much more protein for your buck. Compared to beef jerky, cricket flour provides over double the amount of protein.
2. Good For You
Take a look at the other branches in the 'family tree.' Gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans ... all bug eaters. Ants, termites and crickets make up the majority of their protein consumption. We are built for bugs and bugs are built for us. They are a complete protein, containing all amino acids and over twice as much iron as spinach. (Eat your heart out spinach)
3. Good For Us
And finally, then there is the sustainability component. Crickets specifically produce 100x less greenhouse gasses than cows. Have you ever noticed a cricket fart? And per pound, crickets require 200x less water. As for production, 100# of feed produces 60# of edible protein. Looking back at beef, for the same amount of food you would only get 5# of actual steak.
Eating bugs could save the world! It could also save you a dollar or two and from having to eat too much spinach. (Which is like any if you were wondering) But all the logic in the world cannot overcome the bug wall. What can, is this. They taste amazing.
Crickets are often ground into a 'flour.' This saves you from discovering any legs or eyes staring back at you. It also saves your teeth from the sticky, often date based, mess which comes from other 'natural' bars.
To find out for ourselves, we ordered the sample pack from the cricket pioneers at Exo. Each bar was a pleasant surprise with cool flavors like banana bread and pb&j. The 'flour' actually gave the bar a true baked good texture, while the pureed date staple held it altogether. Exo's bars do not provide as much protein as we would like, about ten grams, but they are a great gateway bug. Once over the hump of the insect barrier other cricket options include protein powder to replace your tub of whey, for ALL the reasons above.
There won't be much bug eating in France but there are snails. Its a time to be bold, a time for adventure. In the world and in the kitchen. Join us next year on our trip to northwestern France for an itinerary which promises both.