Fittest Travel WOD #24
“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.
From: Fittest Travel
For Time:
100 push-ups for time
This is a great workout here designed to keep your upper body in shape. 100 push-ups for time might be easy for some, but for others, it can be a death sentence. For me, I can usually bang out about 30-40 pretty easily, but after that my muscle endurance tends to fade and I find myself doing sets of 5, maybe even 3. The matter of the fact is, you should be doing some sort of 'push-up' movement everyday to continue building strength and muscle endurance. Keep this workout in your arsenal, yes - but also do push-ups regularly.
Doing 100 push-ups shouldn't necessarily be about time, either. It should be about focusing on a tight core, activating your deltoids and getting to the ground and back with an even-keeled pace. Focus on your breathing, use those triceps, extend those elbows and make sure your chest hits the ground while avoiding rounding your back!
All in all, another great workout from our friends and marketing partners at: Fittest Travel.
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