#WODoftheWEEK 5.4.2018
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
oh dang, did someone say, 'regionals?'
Regionals, baby! We are just two short weeks of some killer stuff (if you're a fan of the CrossFit Games and the road it takes to get there), so who's excited?
Alright, so you are here for other reasons...let's get to the #WODoftheWEEK, shall we?
This one comes to us from the online age group qualifier which you can find more about here.
For time:
4 thrusters (135/95) 1 15-ft. rope ascent
8 thrusters (135/95) 2 15-ft. rope ascents
12 thrusters (135/95) 3 15-ft. rope ascents
Time cap: 10 minutes
@smashaley10 on IG with all the weights
Think this workout looks hard? Well, it is. Trust me. Try it. I dare you. You will surprisingly hit a brick wall. This one is a flat out sprint, and regardless of whether or not you have the 'foot clamp' technique down for rope climbs, these thrusters (no matter what weight you have on 'em) will be deafening after using a lot of strength, speed and skill on the rope climbs.
Even with a 10-minute time cap, this one will be pretty close. Our tips for this? Try to go unbroken on the thrusters as much as possible. 135 is HEAVY for the guys, and 95 can be soul-crushing for the ladies as well. Drop down on the rope climbs, catch your breath and then go RIGHT after it again.
You've got ten minutes, no need to suck wind for most of it. Attack this one at 90-95% and get after it.
Scale the rope climbs and thruster weight if possible, but this one is most definitely for everybody and you should write this one down as a skill workout to test your lung and skill capacity for one 10-minute spring.
Comment below and let us know what you think of this workout from the Age Qualifier. Also, let us know if your box made it to regionals this year! We want to know and hear about it.
And of course, don't forget to submit a #WODoftheWEEK down below or view other posts here.