Predicting the CrossFit Open - What will 18.1 bring?
"The comeback is always stronger than the setback." -- Unknown, but motivating AF
From the Morning Chalk Up Email Blast 2/21/2018
The Morning Chalk Up is one of my favorite email blasts to read on a daily basis. It's so thoughtful, so direct, and no bullshit. It truly is one of the best CrossFit-related news sources out there, and here at VoyEdge RX we owe them a ton of credit for putting us on the map a bit to many of you.
Now, that brings me to a very special blog post....predicting what 18.1 of the CrossFit games will be. Dave Castro is a madman, and when it comes to his Instagram, he has left many clues to an ever-attentive audience. Which brings me to the point of this blog post.
What do you think the announcement for 18.1 will bring tonight?
I asked several of our team members here at VoyEdge RX, as well as in our Travel & Fitness Facebook group, and here were some of the answers we got.
• Michael W. (from Travel & Fitness FB Group) - "18.1 ....... Is...... (Dramatic Castro pauses)...... 19.4. 88 x 135# thrusters for time."
• Eann T. (from Travel & Fitness FB Group) - "I have no idea!! I have many thoughts on what I don't want to show up, but I bet I am jinxing it ha! I bet that we will do 15.5 again 27-21-15-9 thrusters and burpees just because that is the last workout I would want to do again... "
• Tony Beringer - "Probably won’t be the first week but I could see a repeat of the thruster and rowing workout. This time with dumbbell thrusters though. I have done that workout a few times and I like it a lot but with dumbbell thrusters I would probably shed some tears."
• Ashley Studer - "I think burpees and dumbells thrusters. I also predict something strict."
• Sasha Preziosa - "And I think we're gonna see ring muscle ups, a clean ladder and some sort of distance measured WOD."
• Aimee Young - "Handstand walk, toes to bar, and heavy cleans. "
• Marc Young - "I think this is the first open ever with no thrusters YA HEARD IT HERE FIRST FOLKS."
• Cam King - "I can see a 17.1 comeback with the new burpee standards. Also, fuck the new burpee standards."
Have something to add to this? Comment down below at the bottom of this post!
Also, here are some fun facts from the Morning Chalk Up about previous movements in the CrossFit Open...
(from the Morning Chalk Up)
Welcome to the 2018 CrossFit Open. In exactly 15 hours we’ll know exactly what Dave Castro has in store for us. Will it be a repeat? Will it include a movement we’ve never seen before? Will there be thrusters (everyone immediately knocks on wood)? Honestly, we have no idea, but we know a lot about past Open WODs so here are some fun facts and noteworthy patterns we've noticed to help you pass the next 15 hours.
Fun Facts
- 14.5 was the first task priority Open WOD (Translation: Go until you finish). There has been one task priority WOD every year since and it came in week 5 (14.5, 15.5, 16.5, and 17.5)
- Only in 2014 was the opening workout a repeat. It was 11.1.
- No workouts from 2013 or 2015 have been repeated yet.
Predicting the Open: honestly, there is no predicting the Open, but when you lay out all the past WODs some patterns emerge.
- The following movements have been in all seven years of the Open: chest to bar pull-ups, double unders, snatches, thrusters, toes to bar, and wall balls. There were no burpees in 2015.
- Every single thruster workout has been a couplet and it’s always been the final workout.
- Since 2014, once a movement is introduced it usually sticks around. (Examples: row in 2014, handstand push-ups in 2015, bar muscle-ups in 2016. The only exception to this is the overhead lunge in 2016, which was not repeated).
- As we noted above, Dave also has repeated a test-priority WOD in each year since it was introduced in 2014.
- In 2017, the new movements introduced were dumbbell cleans, front rack dumbbell walking lunges and dumbbell snatch.
- Out of six possible repeats, Dave chose to hold the repeat during the same week it was introduced every single year except in 2013.
Our Own Thoughts
- The repeat will be 17.1. It retests a completely new movement with the new burpee and snatch standard laid out in 18.0. People have been sharing this photo a lot, showing a rig in the background. That means absolutely nothing. Patrick Vellner and Brent Fikowski had the same looking rig in the background while performing 17.1 last year.
- Thrusters will be in week 5 again.
- For the firs ttime, Dave will include two gymnastics movements in the same WOD. Our definition of gymnastics is bar muscle-ups, chest to bar, and any form of muscle-up. We’ve seen a ton of athletes practicing chest to bar into muscle-ups. The combination of snatches, pull-ups, chest to bar, and bar muscle-ups was also a WOD from the 2014 CrossFit Games.
Here's our data for Open movements and Open WOD repeats in case you want to dive deeper.
Courtesy of the Morning Chalk Up
So, what movements will we see? Will it be a repeat of 17.1 with the new burpee standards? Or will it be something completely different?
Personally, after seeing Castro's latest IG post, I think it will be ring muscle-ups and thrusters or a repeat of 17.1 with the new movements. And regardless of what it is, I know everyone in the world will be like this.....
KEEP YOUR COOL, PEOPLE! It's just the CrossFit Open. You'll get through it just like every other CrossFit class you've ever been in. There's no reason here to freak out. You are there to do your best possible. Focus on micro-goals and improving. And well, if you're trying to go to the CrossFit Games, good for you. Go crush it. Just don't forget to have fun. Let me leave you with a quote for now.
"The joy is in the climb itself, not the summit." - Mark Manson from The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck.
And if you want to take a guess before tonight's announcement, head to Dave Castro's Instagram down below. Don't forget to comment with your thoughts on what 18.1 will bring!